The Procurement Department is required by the 2007 Public Procurement Acts to obtain the best possible value for money on behalf of the Federal Government of
Nigeria. Procurement is a purchasing activity whose purpose is to give the purchaser best value for money.
The Department has the following statutory functions:
a. Preparing the needs assessment and evaluation
b. Identifying goods, works and services required by the Directorate
c. Conduct appropriate market surveys of procurement items
d. Aggrgate the requirements of the Directorate to obtain
economy of scale and cost reduction.
e. Prepare cost analysis implications of needs requirements
f. Integrate procurement expenditure into the budget
g. Ensure that all other procurement functions of the Directorate
are carried out as stipulated in the PPA 2007.
The following activities were carried out by the Procurement Department in 2018:
- Procurement plan which involved proper needs assessment and evaluation
- Notice Board Advertisement for selection of Consultants;
- Price intelligent market survey of goods to obtain current market prices of goods to be purchased.
- Advertisement of Goods, Works and Services to be executed in the year as appropriated in the 2019 Budget and published in the Federal Tenders Journal, The Nation and Daily Trust Newspapers as required by the Procurement Act.
- Submission of both technical/financial bid documents.
- Preparation and production of bid documents.
- Opening of technical bids.
- Opening of financial bids.
- Bid analysis.
- Selection of successful bidders.
- Debriefing of the bidders.
- Ratification for award of Contracts were carried out by the Parastatal
Tenders Board (PTB). - Issuance of Contract Award Letters
- Training on public procurement Audit workshop
Projects Executed
The Department, after adherence to due diligence procedures, awarded contracts for the execution of projects namely:
I. 42 Projects were executed by different Departments under the NDE executable projects/programmes.
II. 366 Contracts under the NDE Regular Capital Projects including Constituency Projects domiciled in NDE Budget by the National
III. 194 Zonal Intervention Projects (ZIP)/Constituency Projects were executed. Under the ZIP the funds were released in two batches (50% and 20%) and were awarded to the same contracts respectively as funded. The projects were spread across the states of the federation.